Saturday, July 30, 2011

Flower Power

My flowers have once again gone beyond my expectations when it comes to their growth.  The only thing different this year is what types I planted.  I pretty much stuck with Moss Roses, Marigolds and Snapdragons in the front yard.  Even though a few of the plants have died off during the course of the summer heat, the majority have survived and flourished.  In the back on the deck I once again went with Pansies.  They like partial sun and it's the perfect place for them to show off their petite petals.  I also have a mixed basket containing flowers of which I don't know what they are.  But it was so pretty that I had to buy it!  

More pansies and the mixed basket

Moss Roses in my front yard

Moss Roses, Marigolds and Snapdragons. 

This was a new plant I found and I don't remember what they're called. 

This is the other half of the above photo that I separated into a second basket. 

Gorgeous large blooms!

I just love having all the color mixed in with all the landscape plants.  It's definitely eye-catching to see the vivid shades of all the blooms. 

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Very pretty. Reminds me of Mom's flower gardens. You do have a green thumb, don't you?