If you read my profile, you'll find a question posted there. It's an attempt to make you think about some deep and maybe profound things. Please give me your thoughts about such things! Thanks for participating!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Trisa Has Another Birthday!
But the real celebration was on Saturday when more of our friends could all get together. First we went to her house for a BBQ of steaks on the grill along with come cheesy mac and corn, baked potatoes and brownies or cake, whichever people preferred. Then we were off to a local bar called The Ozone. There we enjoyed music from a band that is called Taxi Driver. They were very good! We heard music from many eras and styles--from the 50's to today. (If you check out their web site and click on Play list, you'll see just how much variety they have!) We had never heard them before. We all danced at one time or another. 12 people total ended up going out in our group for the evening. I had my camera but only had a few pictures to show for it. I never got a picture of all the men but I do have one of the important people, the women! ;)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Fun and Games
Prior to Danny's games, we had most of Saturday to do some shopping. We went to Cabela's and Scheel's All Sports. After that we ate a late lunch at Cheeseburger in Paradise. Then it was off to the ball park. I used Willie's camera and took roughly 100 photos. Danny is a very talented pitcher. And when not on the mound he covers center field.

The sky after the threat of a thunderstorm
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Great Tornado of '08
- Several shingles gone and some down to the wood rooftop
- Gutters and downspouts damaged or missing
- Facia missing or damaged
- Several holes in my vinyl siding of which one of them still has something sticking out from it way up high
- A shattered window pane
- Most of my fence gone....just gone
- My big, beautiful tree....gone
- My A/C unit tipped over...resulting in bent copper tubing and wires getting pulled out from the compressor. It was repaired in a couple days.
- Interior water damage in a bedroom on the ceiling
- Interior water damage in my formal living room on the ceiling
- A wind chime slightly damaged on the back side of the house
I remember seeing people carrying food and offering it to whomever would eat. The Red Cross was out with water, Lowe's Home Improvement Center came driving down the street giving out free decking used on roof tops and large brand new tarps to be used to help cover holes or whatever they were needed for.

What I first saw upon arriving home from out of town...my house.

Friday, June 6, 2008
Wedding Bells
The bride was given away by her father, Paul and the Best Man was the groom's own father, Martin.
The reception and dance were held in the church's atrium. It was very elegantly decorated in colors of black, white and red. Roses were the flower of choice and all the bouquets were made by Joanne with some help from her own friends. A brief slide show was presented during the ceremony after the lighting of the unity candle. Some of Sandi's pictures I actually remember seeing before even though we've lived so many miles apart. I had so many pictures to chose from so it was difficult for me to pick which ones to include in my writing.

The church with it's beautiful candles and simple bouquets made it a beautiful wedding.

Paul and Sandi

Joanne and Paul

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Murphy

Paul dancing with his oldest daughter, Kari and Joanne dancing with Kari's fiance`, Justin.

The toast

Ronnie, Joanne's older brother, Joanne, Paul and Ronnie's wife, Laurie.

Adeline and Duane....My Mom's sister and her husband. (Joanne's Mom and Dad)

Adeline and Ronnie cuttin' a rug!

Kari and Justin....getting married August 1ST

Tyler...Sondie's son,Willie next to him, Duane facing the camera, pastor Gene Carlson, Sondi...Willie's wife, Laurie...Ronnie's wife, Rachel....Ron and Laurie's daughter, and Adeline.
The food was all prepared by Joanne and her friends. They served meatballs, pigs in a blanket, deli meat wrapped around pickles, vegetables and dips, rolls with meat and cheese, chips and dips, strawberries, grapes, melon, home made mints, peanuts, punch, tea, coffee and water, and of course, the wedding cake which was prepared by a local cake store. It all tasted wonderful. But poor Joanne will be doing it all over again. Her oldest daughter gets married on August 1ST. Round #2! I'll be taking a whole new round of photos.....and I can't wait!
After taking a week of vacation to British Columbia, the couple will return to North Carolina as Matt has to return to work. Congratulations Matt and Sandi!
Monday, June 2, 2008
A Lazy Shady Day

I'm still waiting (and not with much patience anymore) for the landscapers to redo the landscape. My lawn is fine. Great, in fact. But there will be new floral plants and new shrubs, etc., put in if they ever get here! (Do you sense the frustration yet?) And before you wonder, yes. I've called them. The next call won't be so friendly.......
I also have new flowers to put in along with the new plants once they complete their job. I've potted a lot of flowers already. The others still sit in the packs that I purchased them in. Soon I'll have to pot them too, if I don't see something accomplished!
So for now....I'll just have to look at my new flowers. Later in the summer, I'll show you how they have all flourished!
Dee and Chris to Tie the Knot!
Congratulations to Dee and Chris! Chris popped the question this past week. They had been out ring shopping months ago and had a ring picked out. But Dee was unaware of what Chris was planning. Honestly, I think Chris had just figured it out a day or two prior the the actual event!
The big day is planned for September 6, 2008. It will be simple yet elegant. Only close friends and relatives will be in attendance. I'll include photos of the two of them. Strangely enough, I don't have one of them together. So I'll improvise.....

The planning has already begun. The wedding dress has been purchased, the photographer reserved, the location picked out and reserved as well. Now only the little details need to be worked out. I can't wait! A fall wedding....a wonderful event at a beautiful time of year in Nebraska.