Today finally arrived and I couldn't wait to get to the Title company for the closing on my new house. It was at 9 AM. I was 10 minutes early and shortly thereafter came my realtor and the bank representative with all the stacks of papers for me to sign. The whole process only took 1/2 an hour. I was surprised.
From there I drove to Remax, the Real Estate company that I purchased my house through, and picked up the moving truck. If you buy through them, you get to use their truck for free and also keep it for as many days as you need it. Quite a sweet deal! My girlfriends' Mom, Judy, met me at Remax and followed me to my townhouse. I needed a ride back to Remax to pick up my van. Then I drove back home and picked up all my cleaning supplies and the vacuum and headed to Baker's grocery store to rent a Rug Doctor. I wanted to really clean up the new house before moving anything in. And what better time than before there was furniture in the way!
So after spending roughly 5 1/2 hours cleaning, I called it a day and went home to pack a few more small boxes.
The next day, I was up early and managed to get all the boxes and rubber maid tubs out to the garage. I also moved whatever small furniture I could carry to the garage as well. From there, I filled up the truck. By filled, I'm talking about from the front to the back, waist high. Not piled up to the top. I didn't want the load to topple over from driving.
Two of my friends met me at the house by then and helped me carry it all into the new house to the respective rooms. It sure is amazing how much faster things get done when you have more people to help you! Wow! Not long after we were done, my new appliances, a refrigerator and washer and dryer were delivered. I purchased them from the Nebraska Furniture Mart.
Then I went back to the townhouse and got myself cleaned up. I had a birthday party/4Th of July party to attend. And because I didn't have to work the entire weekend, I had no problem leaving the rest of the mess until the next day.
Sunday morning I rose bright and early once again. I wanted to load into my van all the very fragile things that I didn't want to haul in the moving truck. For example, my TV, stereo, glass from the tables and china hutch, lamps, my computer, etc. I got all the stuff moved and back to the townhouse again before any of my friends came over to help with the big furniture. They were all there around 12:30-1:00. By 5:30 PM, everything had been moved, pizza had been ordered and we were done eating. Everyone had left me to the mess I now had to sort through. It was all a very efficient operation! I can't thank them all enough--especially because the temperature rose to 92* that day!
I still had Monday and Tuesday off from work and planned on making good use of the time to unpack many boxes. Off to work I go!!!!!
If you read my profile, you'll find a question posted there. It's an attempt to make you think about some deep and maybe profound things. Please give me your thoughts about such things! Thanks for participating!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
A wondrous beauty from mother nature
Today when I got home from work, even though the sky was a little clouded over, my flowers were blooming so much that I just had to take some pictures of them. Especially the moss roses. There were so many of them blooming at once. Normally they don't always open up at one time. The geranium is in between nice blooms right now. Old ones are falling off and the new ones are beginning to open up. The rest just add to the other beauties.
Notice the kitty holding the blue gazing ball? It's solar and is very bright at night.
I have to keep the planters on the table so the rabbits don't eat them! But here are the pictures I took. Soon they will be at a new home with me!

Notice the kitty holding the blue gazing ball? It's solar and is very bright at night.
I have to keep the planters on the table so the rabbits don't eat them! But here are the pictures I took. Soon they will be at a new home with me!

Monday, June 25, 2007
Happy Birthday Trisa!!!
Tuesday the 26Th is Trisa's birthday and "the girls", Dee, Tammy and myself, went to eat with her on Monday night. Lisa was unable to attend. Trisa chose the HuHot Mongolian Grill. It's a very tasty restaurant. They have many food bars set up with all sorts of pastas, meats, fish, vegetables and different flavors of sauce to put over the other ingredients. Once you fill your plate, you take it over to a huge round grill that is kept behind a protective wall (to keep the customers from getting burned) and the chefs fry it up for you. It's basically a large stir fry with only your choice of ingredients. Personalized by none other than yourself! And you can keep going back for more. Needless to say, you fill up pretty fast. And we did!
Trisa opened her gifts after we were done eating. Then we were off to go shopping for a little while. We drove across the street and shopped in the craft store that I work at occasionally. From there we went to an Ace Hardware to look for some garden flags. While browsing, we found some other novelty gifts for each other. On the way back to our cars, we stopped at a Cold Stone Creamery and each tried a luscious flavor of ice cream. I had never been there before but had heard numerous things about it as my own sister Cathy loves to visit them in Oregon where she lives. As luck would have it, we all loved our own choices respectively and of course, had to sample each others selection! Move over Dairy Queen~~~there's some serious competition in town!
Then off to our cars we went and we all headed home. Tuesday meant back to work as usual....except for Trisa whom had taken the day off! Lucky girl! It was a very fun night! Dee, Tammy, Trisa and I all had a blast! Here are a few photos.

Trisa opened her gifts after we were done eating. Then we were off to go shopping for a little while. We drove across the street and shopped in the craft store that I work at occasionally. From there we went to an Ace Hardware to look for some garden flags. While browsing, we found some other novelty gifts for each other. On the way back to our cars, we stopped at a Cold Stone Creamery and each tried a luscious flavor of ice cream. I had never been there before but had heard numerous things about it as my own sister Cathy loves to visit them in Oregon where she lives. As luck would have it, we all loved our own choices respectively and of course, had to sample each others selection! Move over Dairy Queen~~~there's some serious competition in town!
Then off to our cars we went and we all headed home. Tuesday meant back to work as usual....except for Trisa whom had taken the day off! Lucky girl! It was a very fun night! Dee, Tammy, Trisa and I all had a blast! Here are a few photos.

Sunday, June 24, 2007
Hard work deserves some shut eye
Today I was busy packing....I mean all the tedious items from inside cabinets and such. Because as you all know, I'll be moving into a house this coming weekend. Anyway, my youngest cat, Trouble, had a very hard days work as well. He made sure to climb into every empty box that I brought in from the garage, tried to climb into them after I had them filled and he also tried to help me tape them shut by attacking the tape dispenser. If any little thing fell on the floor ( I was emptying old potpourri into the trash) he made sure to keep it from going anywhere! It's hard to get good help these days. But he's your man, er, cat!
So after I ate my supper, I was relaxing on the couch watching some TV. Trouble climbed up on the couch next to me and was sleeping within minutes. Here is the evidence of a hard days work.

Makes me wonder just how the unpacking will go......he'll be in the boxes before they are completely empty, I'm sure! ;)
So after I ate my supper, I was relaxing on the couch watching some TV. Trouble climbed up on the couch next to me and was sleeping within minutes. Here is the evidence of a hard days work.

Monday, June 18, 2007
A salute to Ronald McDonald
Today is the anniversary of Southwest Airlines, which started air service back in 1971. And Southwest Airlines is a proud sponsor of the Ronald McDonald Houses all over the United States. So what better day to host a BBQ for all the families staying there!
I, being the treasurer of our local SWA Culture Committee, drove to Sam's Club to buy all the food that we needed to cook. The Ronald McDonald Houses of America are run completely by donations and volunteers. Anything they have is given to them and the people that help run each facility is out of the goodness of their own hearts. For anyone that isn't familiar with them, RMH's are simply a place provided to families of young children that are in a hospital for long term care, as a place to stay that isn't costing them a penny. And it's more like a home than a motel. Examples of the cases of illnesses would be: liver disease, premature births with complications, heart disease, lung cancer, etc. The list of problems that can occur goes on forever. Each family is given a room to stay in, keys to the doors that remained locked 24/7, a cupboard in the kitchen to store all their own food (that is also locked up), and a space in the refridgerators. The facility has a huge kitchen with many places to lounge-much like a regular house. Family rooms with tvs, a large laundry room with several machines, a big back yard with playground equipment for kids that are well enough to use them, BBQ grills on the patio. You name it, it's probably got it!
The house here in Omaha has a huge map on the wall of the USA with the names of each family currently staying there, located on the map coinciding with where they are from. It's very interesting to see how far away some have come to get the proper medical care needed for the children. And while we sit and eat our meals, we may have some very interesting conversations with these families.
They appreciate the meals that are cooked for them simply because they don't have to worry about what to make or they may be too tired from being at the hospital most of the day and have no ambition to cook.
Tonight I had the honor of doing the cooking. One small 7 year old girl, Makur, was my constant helper. She had a million questions! And she was dressed like a young pirate! How cute she was!
It's a very inspiring environment to be in even if for a short time. It definitely makes our daily life and annoying problems that we all have, seem very small after learning just what each of those small people is going through.
If you're ever looking for a worthwhile cause, look into your local RMH. Or you can even save pop tabs for them. They take them for recycling. It's an easy and very much appreciated donation. Other ways of donating would be to give things such as food products, paper products, movies to watch on tv, stuffed animals, soda. Or you can call your local facility and check with them to see just what they need the most. You'll be glad you did!
I, being the treasurer of our local SWA Culture Committee, drove to Sam's Club to buy all the food that we needed to cook. The Ronald McDonald Houses of America are run completely by donations and volunteers. Anything they have is given to them and the people that help run each facility is out of the goodness of their own hearts. For anyone that isn't familiar with them, RMH's are simply a place provided to families of young children that are in a hospital for long term care, as a place to stay that isn't costing them a penny. And it's more like a home than a motel. Examples of the cases of illnesses would be: liver disease, premature births with complications, heart disease, lung cancer, etc. The list of problems that can occur goes on forever. Each family is given a room to stay in, keys to the doors that remained locked 24/7, a cupboard in the kitchen to store all their own food (that is also locked up), and a space in the refridgerators. The facility has a huge kitchen with many places to lounge-much like a regular house. Family rooms with tvs, a large laundry room with several machines, a big back yard with playground equipment for kids that are well enough to use them, BBQ grills on the patio. You name it, it's probably got it!
The house here in Omaha has a huge map on the wall of the USA with the names of each family currently staying there, located on the map coinciding with where they are from. It's very interesting to see how far away some have come to get the proper medical care needed for the children. And while we sit and eat our meals, we may have some very interesting conversations with these families.
They appreciate the meals that are cooked for them simply because they don't have to worry about what to make or they may be too tired from being at the hospital most of the day and have no ambition to cook.
Tonight I had the honor of doing the cooking. One small 7 year old girl, Makur, was my constant helper. She had a million questions! And she was dressed like a young pirate! How cute she was!
It's a very inspiring environment to be in even if for a short time. It definitely makes our daily life and annoying problems that we all have, seem very small after learning just what each of those small people is going through.
If you're ever looking for a worthwhile cause, look into your local RMH. Or you can even save pop tabs for them. They take them for recycling. It's an easy and very much appreciated donation. Other ways of donating would be to give things such as food products, paper products, movies to watch on tv, stuffed animals, soda. Or you can call your local facility and check with them to see just what they need the most. You'll be glad you did!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Laundromat No More!
Today I went to do my laundry at a public laundromat for the last time! (hopefully nothing needs to be done now until I move!) For the last two years, I've had to do this. I don't have the luxury of having a townhouse with hook ups for laundry machines. So this is what I've had to resort to. Gather up and sort all of the loads, the soap, hangers, baskets and quarters. Into the van I would go. Fortunately it's only about 1/2 mile to the facility. And I would make as-few-as-possible trips as I could to that place. So my piles would get quite high at times before I would break down and go. I had to make things last!
The 29Th of June is my closing day on the new house I'm moving to. I take possession at that time. The very next day, I'm having appliances delivered there. And that day won't get here quickly enough for me! I feel like Christmas is just 2 weeks away and I'm age 8 again! You may not understand just how excited I'm getting. : )
All that's left now is to start packing and get all my things over to the new digs. I've been gathering newspapers and boxes from work whenever I find them.
After I close, I plan on renting a carpet cleaning steam vac and cleaning up the carpets. I hope this will hinder my two cats from having any issues due to the fact that the current owners of the house I'm going to, have a small dog. Plus, it will be nice to know that I'm starting out with clean floors!
On an entirely different topic, my friends and I will begin our summer league sand volleyball tonight. We were planning on playing a spring session as well. However, the place that we were to be playing at wasn't prepared and the courts weren't ready. They have done many renovations including a complete remodel to their bowling alley. And they fixed up the exterior grounds as well. So now we finally get to go out and play in a big sand box! With the tempuratures we've been having, it will be quite sultry. It's been in the 80's and 90's for about a week now. But who's all in the name of good clean fun!
The 29Th of June is my closing day on the new house I'm moving to. I take possession at that time. The very next day, I'm having appliances delivered there. And that day won't get here quickly enough for me! I feel like Christmas is just 2 weeks away and I'm age 8 again! You may not understand just how excited I'm getting. : )
All that's left now is to start packing and get all my things over to the new digs. I've been gathering newspapers and boxes from work whenever I find them.
After I close, I plan on renting a carpet cleaning steam vac and cleaning up the carpets. I hope this will hinder my two cats from having any issues due to the fact that the current owners of the house I'm going to, have a small dog. Plus, it will be nice to know that I'm starting out with clean floors!
On an entirely different topic, my friends and I will begin our summer league sand volleyball tonight. We were planning on playing a spring session as well. However, the place that we were to be playing at wasn't prepared and the courts weren't ready. They have done many renovations including a complete remodel to their bowling alley. And they fixed up the exterior grounds as well. So now we finally get to go out and play in a big sand box! With the tempuratures we've been having, it will be quite sultry. It's been in the 80's and 90's for about a week now. But who's all in the name of good clean fun!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
More photos from the anniversary
Don't miss the "Golden" Days!
After being on vacation for 10 days, I'm back! Time flys by very quickly when you are enjoying it the most. Such was the case over this past weekend. So this blog will be lengthy, as I have a lot to share with you.
I had the honor of being part of a celebration of 50 years of marriage. And this celebration was held in Colorado Springs, CO. My aunt and uncle, Rose and Elton Gudvangen, were the honorees. Their children, (my cousins!), gave them a wonderful party to help them celebrate along with family and friends. My sister, Cathy, and my brother, Kevin and his family, my Dad and Beverly, were all able to be there as well. So along with seeing extended family, it was a great weekend just to see my own family! We all stayed at the same motel (no thanks to motor home troubles that plagued my Dad and Beverly! That's another story in itself that I'll let Kevin tell!) and thus were able to "hang out" a little longer each night after the rest of the world was shutting down for the day. My nieces, Suzanna, Abigail and Hillary seem to grow a foot in between visits with them! Such young ladies they've become!
Cathy, Kevin and Susan, and myself were asked to sing a song during the program that my cousins had planned. Another out-of-state cousin, Brenda and her children (young adults would be more appropriate!) also added a song of their own. Also performing were the Gudvangens' 8 grandchildren. One time all together for a song, and some of them performed in small groups and duets and trios. There is so much talent not only in the parents of these youngsters but the youngsters as well! Some other family members stood up to tell stories of various events from long ago about the special couple and others just enjoyed being able to share in the evening. Rose and Elton's own kids, Randy, Renae, John and Joanne all played their accordions to round out the program. You would have to hear these four. Words can't convey just how fun it is to listen to them when they all get together and combine talent. My Dad would attest to that! It almost brings tears to his eyes just listening to them. He may be a bit biased as he is an accordion player himself! He also played a song for the couple during the program. After all the special music from family, a dance was held with music being played on, what else---accordion! The teacher that the four kids had while still in school, and his wife, played many selections for the crowd. They were accompanied by Steve Sherwood, Renae's husband, on the drums.
I myself, took 100 photos during the entire weekend that I visited in Colorado Springs. So imagine how many others were also snapping pictures of their own ....not to mention the photographer that was hired to capture special moments.
Randy, Renae, John and Joanne couldn't have done a better job on planning the special event. They and their respective families all pitched in. There was a catered meal--including but not limited to---salads, rolls, baked beans, mixed vegetables, ham, turkey and dessert! Plus, there was a selection of beer and wine for sampling! And of course, a wedding cake topped with the original topper from the cake of 50 years prior.
Each round table was adorned by a simple yet elegant centerpiece consisting of a mirror with a pillar candle and clear rocks. Around each candle was a piece of ribbon, gold and netted in design---to denote 50 years! All of the centerpieces sat atop a golden square cloth napkin.
Each table setting also had silver ware wrapped in a golden napkin as well. The memoirs table in the entrance hallway held photos of Rose and Elton along with a scrapbook that each family member and many friends helped to create. Each party made their own unique page for the scrapbook either with simple but yet special words of congratulations, or, photos of past special memories. What a wonderful memento! Alongside the memoir table stood the wedding dress that Rose once wore. And Judy, John's wife, took the time to wrap MANY candy bars with gold foil and typed "loving" quotes that were tied on by ribbon. These were handed out to the guests.
The next day we were invited to John and Judy's house for brunch. After eating too much for that meal, we headed over to Rose and Elton's house. Upon arrival, we found Rose in the kitchen preparing lunch/supper~just what we needed after an already filling meal! Many relatives came by. And in the Moberg family fashion, more photos were taken! I have included in this blog, just a sample of the fun that was had by all. I will put several more pictures into another blog so as not to leave you out of the celebration. I hope you enjoy these! And don't miss out on the opportunity to celebrate the "Golden" days-either your own or someone elses. It's a milestone that only a few people in this world actually reach.
Rose and Elton

The 8 grandchildren
The beautiful and delicious cake!
The memoir table.
The 1st cousins
The 1st cousins once removed....or....2nd cousins.
I had the honor of being part of a celebration of 50 years of marriage. And this celebration was held in Colorado Springs, CO. My aunt and uncle, Rose and Elton Gudvangen, were the honorees. Their children, (my cousins!), gave them a wonderful party to help them celebrate along with family and friends. My sister, Cathy, and my brother, Kevin and his family, my Dad and Beverly, were all able to be there as well. So along with seeing extended family, it was a great weekend just to see my own family! We all stayed at the same motel (no thanks to motor home troubles that plagued my Dad and Beverly! That's another story in itself that I'll let Kevin tell!) and thus were able to "hang out" a little longer each night after the rest of the world was shutting down for the day. My nieces, Suzanna, Abigail and Hillary seem to grow a foot in between visits with them! Such young ladies they've become!
Cathy, Kevin and Susan, and myself were asked to sing a song during the program that my cousins had planned. Another out-of-state cousin, Brenda and her children (young adults would be more appropriate!) also added a song of their own. Also performing were the Gudvangens' 8 grandchildren. One time all together for a song, and some of them performed in small groups and duets and trios. There is so much talent not only in the parents of these youngsters but the youngsters as well! Some other family members stood up to tell stories of various events from long ago about the special couple and others just enjoyed being able to share in the evening. Rose and Elton's own kids, Randy, Renae, John and Joanne all played their accordions to round out the program. You would have to hear these four. Words can't convey just how fun it is to listen to them when they all get together and combine talent. My Dad would attest to that! It almost brings tears to his eyes just listening to them. He may be a bit biased as he is an accordion player himself! He also played a song for the couple during the program. After all the special music from family, a dance was held with music being played on, what else---accordion! The teacher that the four kids had while still in school, and his wife, played many selections for the crowd. They were accompanied by Steve Sherwood, Renae's husband, on the drums.
I myself, took 100 photos during the entire weekend that I visited in Colorado Springs. So imagine how many others were also snapping pictures of their own ....not to mention the photographer that was hired to capture special moments.
Randy, Renae, John and Joanne couldn't have done a better job on planning the special event. They and their respective families all pitched in. There was a catered meal--including but not limited to---salads, rolls, baked beans, mixed vegetables, ham, turkey and dessert! Plus, there was a selection of beer and wine for sampling! And of course, a wedding cake topped with the original topper from the cake of 50 years prior.
Each round table was adorned by a simple yet elegant centerpiece consisting of a mirror with a pillar candle and clear rocks. Around each candle was a piece of ribbon, gold and netted in design---to denote 50 years! All of the centerpieces sat atop a golden square cloth napkin.
Each table setting also had silver ware wrapped in a golden napkin as well. The memoirs table in the entrance hallway held photos of Rose and Elton along with a scrapbook that each family member and many friends helped to create. Each party made their own unique page for the scrapbook either with simple but yet special words of congratulations, or, photos of past special memories. What a wonderful memento! Alongside the memoir table stood the wedding dress that Rose once wore. And Judy, John's wife, took the time to wrap MANY candy bars with gold foil and typed "loving" quotes that were tied on by ribbon. These were handed out to the guests.
The next day we were invited to John and Judy's house for brunch. After eating too much for that meal, we headed over to Rose and Elton's house. Upon arrival, we found Rose in the kitchen preparing lunch/supper~just what we needed after an already filling meal! Many relatives came by. And in the Moberg family fashion, more photos were taken! I have included in this blog, just a sample of the fun that was had by all. I will put several more pictures into another blog so as not to leave you out of the celebration. I hope you enjoy these! And don't miss out on the opportunity to celebrate the "Golden" days-either your own or someone elses. It's a milestone that only a few people in this world actually reach.

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