If you read my profile, you'll find a question posted there. It's an attempt to make you think about some deep and maybe profound things. Please give me your thoughts about such things! Thanks for participating!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Have you seen the changes?
And also, you will be able to see just what kind of weather Omaha is having. Or what elements Mother Nature is forcing us to deal with! ;-)
What color do you feel like today?
People look at homes while thinking about how much work they will have to put into each room to make it work for them. That includes how much painting they will want to do.
But moods are often affected by the colors they either wear or by the color of the room they happen to be in, or even the color of the sky! How many times have you gotten out of bed and realized it was cloudy? Don't you feel like just going back to bed? How about if it's sunny and warm? Do you feel like going to a lake or taking a walk just to be in the sunshine? Here is something that you may find interesting. It's pretty self explanatory. I'm sure you have all heard the standard rules on what the colors all mean but in case you haven't, now you now.
Color is also used to make a statement in a room. If you want to have a particular item or area stand out, paint can do that. A fireplace (ahem, Cathy. Do you remember what we talked about in your living room?) is almost always the focal point of the room it is in. If it's the same texture or color as the walls, it gets lost amongst the wall decor. It should stand out alone from the walls. These pictures show just what I'm talking about. Whether you use ceramic tile, rocks, a wood mantel, or a simple paint job, the fireplace will look beautiful! And it won't disappear into the wall.
The room I painted yesterday has the color of Taupe. Not only does it match my furniture, but there is a feeling of being in a nice cozy family room! The walls were pure white prior to my handy work. BORING! Now all that's left to really spruce it up is to find some nice Roman shades and get a few accent pillows to bring out the other colors in my couches. I can't wait!
Let's not forget the different colors for each month of the year. Birthstones! What color is yours? Now you can read up and see just what your color stands for. Does it represent you fairly? How about correctly? Here is a list:
- January-Garnet
- February-Amethyst
- March-Aquamarine
- April-Diamond
- May-Emerald
- June-Pearl...(purplish/clear)
- July-Ruby
- August-Peridot
- September-Sapphire
- October-Opal
- November-Topaz
- December-Turquoise
That's as close as I can come to the real thing.
And we can't forget that teachers (Kevin and Susan) use a special color for correcting papers. That's right.....RED! I'm sure you know what that would be. I know I do! ( I saw a lot of it!) I think you get the idea....are you bored yet? There it is in a brown nutshell!
Monday, September 24, 2007
A new coat!
The color is Taupe. The third picture is the truest color. The others look different and the pictures were taken during the day. You might also notice the purple tape I used around the door frames and floor boards. Now all I have to do is hang everything back up on the walls.
Everything is still a bit of a mess but at least the painting is done.

Monday, September 17, 2007
Out with the old........

and lastly, the close up of them. Ish!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
A day for Dee!
Because it falls on a Thursday, we all worked today. But Dee knew where she wanted to go out to eat in honor of her day. She chose Wheatfield's. Omaha has been growing so much and along with growth comes the new shopping areas. One of them is called Shadow Lake Towne Center.
It's adding more stores and restaurants all the time. And because it's nearby, it's convenient too! Wheatfield's has one other location in Omaha but this particular one had just opened up less than 2 weeks prior to Dee's birthday!
So my friends, Trisa, Tammy, Dee and myself (Lisa was unable to attend), met there for dinner and gift giving. We sat and ate huge meals and afterwards, we went shopping!
We drove to another location of the shopping mall and went into a couple other stores. But it was soon closing time so we were forced to leave.......what a bummer! I have to say and I'm sure the ladies will agree......there is never enough time for shopping!
We all had a great time!

Me and Dee

Trisa and Tammy
I just noticed that we were all wearing different jewelry from the Lia Sophia line. I think we make great models. Incidently, Lisa, whom was absent is a consultant and Tammy has just started with it as well. We have all been to many jewelry parties!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
New look for the pearly whites!
The removal process took about an hour. First, however, the orthodontist fitted my lower teeth with a permanent retainer. A small wire that was glued to the back of my lower, front 4 teeth. If the lower teeth stay in place, the rest should as well. Then it was time for the brackets to come off. They were literally snapped off by some tool that only an orthodontist or dentist is allowed to use on teeth. (Remember how much preaching is done by oral doctors not to use sharp objects on your teeth?) Anyway, my teeth were more sensitive to that than I anticipated. Then they actually used a grinder (miniature by normal grinder standards) and removed the glue left behind. Just envision this if you would: The assistant to the orthodontist hands you protective eye wear that a carpenter might wear. Then the orthodontist himself begins grinding away while the assistant holds a tool that blows air on the teeth and a suction tube in your mouth so that you don't drool all over. The air was almost the worst feeling. Seeing the white residue flying around over my face and smelling the odor from the grinding was enough to make me cringe! It made me feel the same as when someone scratches their fingernails over a chalkboard! Blah!!!!
Finally the grinding was over and I was allowed to rinse with mouthwash. Then they took impressions of my teeth, both top and bottom, and then over to the ex-ray machine. After ex-rays, the assistant took pictures of my teeth. They did this before the braces were put on as well. Before and after shots, literally. Then another assistant brought out a retainer for my top teeth. I was expecting a wire attached to a crimson colored piece that fits under your gums. Nope! It was a clear tray (similar to this) made from the impressions of my top teeth. It fits right over my top teeth and unless you look for it, it's hard to see that it's there! Another very dramatic change from years back. I only have to wear it for 12 hours a day for now. Then it will be reduced to just over night hours. And the best part is that I won't have another appointment for 4 months! My teeth look great and even better, they feel so smooth!
I took some pictures of myself with the aid of my tripod. I hope you can tell the difference in the two photos.

Friday, September 7, 2007
Unwanted Visitors
Well, because I mow my own grass, I notice some irregularities on occasion. But the other day I saw something that was strange and I wasn't even mowing! I saw these unusual aspects while walking to my mailbox! For instance, the holes. Scattered throughout the grass on the west side of my driveway, were the said holes. No pattern but there were many! And the grass seemed to be turning brown in the area around them. Now I'm not real picky but I do like GREEN grass.......not brown. So I was a little concerned. I had heard about many things that could cause this to happen but I didn't know for sure. Some people told me that garden snakes could be doing it, or squirrels or moles or hornets or......(ish) white grub worms. So I decided to call a lawn care professional. They were here yesterday while I was at work. They wrote down the results for me to look over and put them in my door. NOT A GOOD RESULT!!! Not only does my lawn have mild "summer patch disease", it has white grub worms! How gross! I would rather have the hornets! So I called them and gave them the thumbs up to come back and apply the proper applications to get rid of these nasty looking creatures. And also to get rid of the pesky dandelions and other such weeds. The summer patch disease will cure itself....and hopefully no small critters will dig into my grass looking for a feast of grub worms!!! The grass would eventually die from these worms eating the roots if left untreated. And moles would dig through as well and create small trenches in search of these gross insects. Needless to say, I'm having the grass treated by a doctor!
Just a word of advice......inspect your lawn....I believe it's worth the time to do so.
Christmas in September!
But I feel like a small child whom has awoke on Christmas morning and discovered presents under the tree from Santa Claus! The best part will be trying out the new products that I aquired next time I cook or bake. So you all need to stop in for a visit...and I'll cook something with my new toys!
I think my sister-in-law, Susan, can attest to the excitement of new Pampered Chef stuff!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Anyone remember this?
If you haven't figured it out yet, this might be the clincher clue. Dinosaurs! A couple of the dino names were "Grumpy" and "Big Alice." Do you remember now? How about where the Marshall family lived? ....a cave. They had special stones that gave them visions of things. If you haven't gotten it yet, I'll help you out............
"Land of the Lost." Have I aged myself enough yet?
Here is a website for you to peruse.....rather humerous! And here are the infamous Sleestak.