If you haven't read this post from last year in April, you may want to refresh your memory. Then you will know that I followed through on my word!
Meet Oreo. She is a 5 year old Siberian Husky. Apparently she was owner-surrendered at the over-night drop box. Yes, believe it or not, there is one at the Humane Society. The former owners left no information on the poor girl. So I have no idea what her name was before they left her there. The volunteers at the Humane Society named her Sabrina for the sake of living there. But I have changed it.
She has very good manners. I haven't seen her jump on me or anyone else, she's never on the furniture and amazingly enough, she never barks! She loves to lay on the floor next to me wherever I am. Her eyes have an ominous look to them. She almost has a piercing expression when she looks at you.
One sad part though; there is suspicion that she may have been hit or beaten in the past. She is timid around males and hangs her head alot as though she thinks she is in trouble for something. She has separation anxiety too. I'm quite sure it comes from being dumped at the Humane Society with many strangers coming and talking to her, then coming home with me and my leaving for work only 12 hours after getting her home. She had a rough first day in her kennel at home while I was working.
The cats were shocked to say the least. They have gotten used to her very quickly. They don't fluff up to the size of Texas anymore. It was very entertaining I have to admit. But it's amazing what 48 hours will heal.
My friends came over the second night I had her. They loved her and gave me so much to get started with her. Thanks go out to Dee, especially. You know why. Thank you too, Trisa and Lisa ....there are no friends better than all of you!
I can't wait for everyone else to meet her.....she has a very lovable personality.
Meet Oreo. She is a 5 year old Siberian Husky. Apparently she was owner-surrendered at the over-night drop box. Yes, believe it or not, there is one at the Humane Society. The former owners left no information on the poor girl. So I have no idea what her name was before they left her there. The volunteers at the Humane Society named her Sabrina for the sake of living there. But I have changed it.
She has very good manners. I haven't seen her jump on me or anyone else, she's never on the furniture and amazingly enough, she never barks! She loves to lay on the floor next to me wherever I am. Her eyes have an ominous look to them. She almost has a piercing expression when she looks at you.
One sad part though; there is suspicion that she may have been hit or beaten in the past. She is timid around males and hangs her head alot as though she thinks she is in trouble for something. She has separation anxiety too. I'm quite sure it comes from being dumped at the Humane Society with many strangers coming and talking to her, then coming home with me and my leaving for work only 12 hours after getting her home. She had a rough first day in her kennel at home while I was working.
The cats were shocked to say the least. They have gotten used to her very quickly. They don't fluff up to the size of Texas anymore. It was very entertaining I have to admit. But it's amazing what 48 hours will heal.
My friends came over the second night I had her. They loved her and gave me so much to get started with her. Thanks go out to Dee, especially. You know why. Thank you too, Trisa and Lisa ....there are no friends better than all of you!
I can't wait for everyone else to meet her.....she has a very lovable personality.

Oreo on her first night at my house
A little more comfortable the next day

My sweet girl