Monday, November 15, 2010

Random Cat Activity

My cats, as I've written before, never cease to amaze me. They are as clever as any human being sometimes.

One day, I went to the basement to do some laundry and when I turned on the light I saw Trouble on the couch. No wait-- he was on a pillow, which was on the couch. Apparently he found more comfort in laying on the pillow than on the cushions of the couch. He lifted his head up and looked up at me as if to ask, "what are you doing down here?"

He's been on this kick lately, of going downstairs when I'm getting ready to go somewhere; usually in the morning when I'm putting on my shoes to leave for work. I check to see where each cat is before I close a couple of doors to keep Trouble from rummaging through my trash cans and opening cabinets in the bathrooms. I almost always find him in a strange spot of the basement just laying there. It's like he's waiting for me to go so that he can begin his daily ritual of roaming around the house looking for something to get into.


And then there's Yoda. He is my cuddly cat. Wherever I'm sitting, he's there on my lap napping and staying warm. In the photo below, he had his head down with his nose on the small pillow that I had rolled up next to me. His right front paw was straight out and he was dreaming. His other paws were all twitching like he was running.

And that's another small version of my "cat tales". Never a dull moment around my house with these two animals!

1 comment:

Kevin Moberg said...

Just think how much they would enjoy exploring the farm . . .