Thursday, November 11, 2010

Baby Ian is Here!

Well....Nine months and lots of help from doctors and He's finally here! Ian Christopher Ederer.
He has the perfect shaped head (thanks to a Caesarean birth) and big blue eyes. All 8 lbs of him is so cuddly!
Dee and Chris, his parents, had a rough time becoming pregnant so the doctors helped with insemination. It worked the first time. Everything went well and the time seemed to fly by and before we knew it, Dee had been scheduled for a C-section. November 11Th. Veterans Day.
Do you remember the baby shower we had for them? That was September. It's now Ian's birthday! I went to see him at the hospital the day after he was born. I didn't take any pictures that day because I was too busy holding and spoiling him. But I did eventually get some...fear not!
Chris is a first time Dad and Ian is child number two for his Mom Dee. Chris being such a tall and husky man, can almost carry Ian on the length of his forearm! Amazing to see Daddy and Baby together. (all together....AWWWW!!)
Ian looks almost completely like his Daddy....

The happy family!!

Ian demonstrating his lung capacity.
The neat thing about Ian's birthday is that he was born on Veteran's Day. And as the pattern has gone, he is just one of the whole group of kids of my friends that have all been born on or near a holiday! It's crazy but easy to remember their birthdays this way!
So now we have another baby amongst our friends to spoil with gifts and love. Congratulations to all of you, Ederer Family!!!

1 comment:

Kevin Moberg said...

Cute baby! Last night we were at a surprise anniversary party for Susan's aunt and uncle, and a couple of the cousins had their newborn(ish) babies with them . . . and I got to hold one for a few minutes. Babies are so sweet!