Sunday, May 29, 2011

Class of 2011

It's Memorial Day weekend and many high school graduations are taking place around the city of Omaha as well.  Millard South High School is no exception.  If you remember, back in January, news spread of gun shots being fired in a high school.  Well, that happened at Millard South, merely a couple miles from my own home.  It was a very sad day as one of the two victims that had been shot, died from her wounds, as well as the shooter who took his own life. 
After working overtime today I would be celebrating with a young lady, Rachel Smith, at her graduation open house.  The actual ceremony took place yesterday at the Civic Auditorium located down town.  It was bittersweet for the senior class as they had a moment of silence to remember the day of the incident involving the shooting. 
The high schools have so many students in the senior classes that the school gymnasiums would never be large enough to hold all the people in attendance.  So they usually take place at the Civic.   
So after arriving home, I took a short nap, and then got cleaned up.  Rachel, the daughter of one of my co-workers on the ramp at Southwest Airlines, has grown up before my eyes.   I've known Rachel for the better part of 14 years as I've worked with her Mom for at least that long. 
I went to their house and found everyone outside on the driveway or just inside the garage.  There was a long table of food and beverages for all to enjoy as well as a long table of photos featuring Rachel as she grew up through the years.  It also had her diploma and several yearbooks for anyone to browse through. 

Her grandparents from Iowa, her aunt and uncle from Iowa and the east coast, her boyfriend and many school friends were there to help her celebrate.  The weather was perfect even though the humidity was a bit high.  The sun was hidden behind some clouds and aided in keeping the temperature at a comfortable setting.  After enjoying some food and company, I congratulated Rachel on her accomplishment and decided to head for home.  Another successful education.  Congratulations Rachel!  A job well done!

1 comment:

Kevin Moberg said...

Ah, that time of year again. You're such a good friend. (How was the food?)