Thursday, May 12, 2011

Girls Night Out

Every once in a while, some of my friends and I will have a girls night out.  We go for drinks and then dinner.  This is usually just an excuse to share with each other, some of the details of our lives that we may need advice on.  Tammy, Trisa, Susan Mortensen and myself met tonight for our monthly night out.  We met at a place called The Upstream in West Omaha.  There are two locations in town and this was the easiest one to get to for all of us.
We ordered cocktails, appetizers for all to share and then our own individual selection for the main course.  We proceeded to talk non stop while we waited for all the food to be brought to our table.  Typically we each take a turn at venting about whatever is happening with work, relationships or kids.  There's never a dull moment or a silent moment for that matter!  I know, four women and no silence.  Shocking, right? 
We had asked for a table that was in a more secluded area so as not to disturb those around us.  But we were actually right in the middle of the main dining area.  So much for that idea!  But we did manage to keep our volume down to a low roar and the other patrons didn't seem to notice us.....much! 
Our food arrived and we dug in but it didn't slow our conversation at all.  We were eating as fast as we were talking.  This is pretty typical for us.  The waiter kept coming back to check on us and even though we picked on him a bit he didn't seem to mind. 
A few hours later we seemed to have talked everything out and decided it was time to go home.  We all had to work the next day anyway or I think we would have sat there for a few more hours! 
Our girl time is special to us even though our huge group of friends gets together pretty often at someones home.  But the nights we can gather without the men or children is much more productive!  I love you girls!!! Thanks for the great night! 

1 comment:

Kevin Moberg said...

Of course, I'm all about the food and wish you had said what you ordered/ate. I looked at the menu, and my mouth is watering (even though I just finished eating dinner)!