Friday, April 27, 2007

Blogging is in the "Air"

For anyone who likes to read them, here is another Blog site you may find interesting. It's actually one year old, but I never seem to think of mentioning it until now. Southwest Airlines has a blog! Doesn't it seem strange that a corporation would have one? But check it out : . If you go to this, you can place a vote for your favorite blog site. The one thing you will have to do in order to vote is to create a log-in for yourself. Once you do that, you will receive an email to confirm that you signed up. Then you will be able to place your vote. Just go to the category on the left called "Best Corporate Blog". On the far right side is a vote button. That's all there is to it.
There are several other blogs you can read at the bloggers choice awards, as well. Please take a moment and vote for my other favorite blog! Happy reading!


Kevin Moberg said...

You corporate whore. (I mean that in a really, really nice way, though.)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandal,
Thanks for the "plug" for Nuts About Southwest, in spite of what Kevin said lol.