Thursday, September 18, 2008

Project Window is "Clearly" a Success!

As you all know, I've been getting house-and-property repair projects done throughout the course of the summer. No thanks to this! This week, the circle of repairs came around to the window in my living room. Here is how it has been for over three months, minus some of the rough edges that I cleaned out from the exterior pane.

Monday, the guys from Archway Glass arrived early in the morning and set to work. It was a fairly quick process. They didn't have to remove the casing around the window at all. The only pieces that they took off was some of the narrow wood trim that is used to help keep the glass in place from the inside. After removing the old caulking from the outside as well, the old pane and what was left of the broken pane (they are built as one unit) came right out. They cleaned up what little broken glass pieces came off and set the new window panes into it's spot that had been re-caulked. The wood trim went back on and after a quick polish of the glass inside and out, the whole job was done!

The new window is in!

Yesterday I returned home from work and was surprised to see that the porch railing had been rebuilt! It looked so nice! My neighbor, Bob, is a contractor and had agreed to do a couple of the jobs I needed done. He had actually planned on getting both the fence in my backyard and the porch railing done last week. He and his nephew had dug the post holes on Wednesday. I came home from work that day and saw them digging away. But I told him that the forecast was for rain, starting that night and into the next two days. He didn't know that. Well, for a switch, the forecast was actually correct! It started raining late Wednesday night and continued with either the light mist or pouring rain right into Friday afternoon. (My little rain gauge showed 5 inches after all was said and done!) So the fence project had to wait, needless to say. Hopefully that will be done this week as well!

Here is the brand new railing!

He made the railing look a little different than the orginal one. I thought it would make it look nice. Now I just need to get it painted. I guess a trip to Home Depot is in order! Whoopee!
Stay tuned for pictures of my new fence. Maybe I'll have another surprise today or tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

It is good to hear that things continue to improve and get back to the way you want them. Can't wait to see the painted railings:-)

Kevin Moberg said...

Once everything is back in order with your home, you'll have a house that would sell very quickly should you ever decide to move back to ND . . . (ahem) . . .

I'll bet it feels great to keep checking these items off your "to do" list, huh?