Monday, September 8, 2008

Dee and Chris Marry

Saturday, September 6TH was the big day for my friends, Chris and Dee. The wedding was outdoors at Platteview Country Club near the swimming pool. Dee's older brother Bobby is the director of the club so she had a little "in" when she needed someplace to hold the ceremony! The forecast that day was for rain in the evening. So it was touch and go for awhile as some storms were moving in right about the time the wedding was supposed to take place. Thankfully, there was no rain when it was time to start and it turned out to be the perfect temperature and was beautiful! It was short and sweet. No attendants for either the bride or groom. However, Dee's son, Dillon walked her down the aisle and stood up front with her along with her step-daughter (from her previous marriage) McKenna. It was just the four of them and it was perfect. The bride's brother gave a reading during the ceremony but other than that, it was over fairly quickly. We all went inside for the reception and shortly after getting into the clubhouse, the rain finally made an appearance.

The Ederer family...Greg, Mark and Judy, Dee and Chris, Tim and Marcus

The Mom's of the couple pouring their champagne for the toast.

A late night photo beneath the arch.

Out near the can barely see the lights on in the pool behind them.

Best friends......Lisa, Tammy, Dee, Trisa and me. We look like we color coordinated outfits but actually had no idea what each other was wearing! Scary that we think so much alike! The colors of the wedding included navy blue on top of that!

The O'Keefe family....Bobby, Dee, Alvina, Bob and Debbie

Dillon with his Mom....walking her down the aisle.

The reception was very cozy. There was only about 130 people there. We ate a meal consisting of fresh hoagie bread with cheese and ham and turkey along with mayo and mustard for the sandwiches. We also had chips and pickles. The cake was served with nuts and the mints that we "girls" helped to make. It was very delicious! The DJ was very interactive with the guests and we danced so much that my feet hurt the next day. The small kids had more fun just running around on the dance floor.

After helping clean up the decorations that we put up the day before, we all gathered belongings from the changing room and made sure everyone had rides to their respective homes (if needed!) and then we all headed home. It was a beautiful evening. Congratulations to Dee and Chris. We love you!


Kevin Moberg said...

(1) Are those green, blue, and white things on the tiered tray those little pressed wedding mints that are all butter and sugar? I love those!

(2) You look JUST! LIKE! CATHY! in that photo of you lined up with the other women!

(3) That photo of Dee and Dillon is very cute.

(4) Dee looks a little like Chelsea Handler, don't you think?

Sandal said...

The mints are made out of cream cheese and powdered sugar. We added the color and different flavors. And you know what/??// It's actually MY glass 2-tiered dish that the mints are on! Cool huh?

Kevin Moberg said...

Love, love, LOVE those mints! Pretty dish, too -- was it Mom's at one time? Chelsea Handler is a (raunchy) comedian who has a TV show and some books out -- Google her!