Monday, September 29, 2008

Porch Rail Gets a Fresh Coat!

OK, remember reading about my new railing? Well, yesterday was the day I painted it. I finished up the tops of the posts and applied a second coat in some areas today. I had to drive to Home Depot first to pick up some paint and a couple of supplies. Once I got home I set about finding my little radio, a step stool and various other items that would be needed along the way.

I tried to match the color as much as possible. It's actually called Southern Pine by Glidden. The old paint was pretty faded so this new coat looks very bright to me. However, it seems to match the metal trim around the windows and doors. I still take a second look when getting near my house. It definitely needed a paint job!
See for yourself! (click the photos for a closeup....check out the landscape plants...they've really grown!)


Kevin Moberg said...

That looks nice! You could use a couple rockers and a table on that porch . . . spend your evenings out there with a broom stick killing ants.

Just think how easy it will be to sell the house now and move north.

Anonymous said...

You've done an awesome job on your house, Sandy! What a busy summer of repairs, updates and upgrades!!
Good work! Wanna come finish the work on my house now??

Love Kevin's comments too! ;-)