If you read my profile, you'll find a question posted there. It's an attempt to make you think about some deep and maybe profound things. Please give me your thoughts about such things! Thanks for participating!
Friday, October 31, 2008
But I gave in and took home 7 big bags of candy. I'm talking about the industrial size bags of candy! You know, the ones that weigh almost the same as a small bag of apples. And guess what.....I gave away 4 bags of the sweet stuff to trick-or-treaters! I think roughly 40-45 kids came by. Even some of the parents were dressed up!
They were showing up here until roughly 8:45PM! They began arriving about 6PM and kept coming. At first I was trying to make sure the candy I did have would last without it all being gone early in the evening. But soon I realized it was more than I needed. So I started telling the kids to take as much as they wanted. Handful after handful of candy began to disappear! I was glad to see it dwindle.
Unfortunately I had more left than I knew I could eat----or for that matter, more than I would want to eat! So I put the bag I knew I could eat without any problems, Butterfinger candy bars, into the freezer. The next day I took a mixed bag of chewy candy to work where I knew the vultures would swoop down upon it and leave little to identify! (I was right too!) That leaves one bag of tootsie roll lollipops. I'll drag that one to work as well.
I think that there is SOME kind of candy for EVERY holiday anymore! And it all starts to appear on the store shelves 1-2 months ahead of the actual holiday that it's intended for! Yikes! I saw Christmas candy out already......maybe this post should have been titled, Holiday=Candy!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Halloween Spirit.....No Pun Intended!

My perfect spider web complete with purple spider!

Big black spider creeping his way towards any visitors!

Big Birthday Weekend!
Saturday we celebrated the 2ND birthday of Madison Studer. She's a little fire cracker! Her fuse is quite short when she's tired. But she is such a cutie pie! Her birthday is actually today but we all gathered over the weekend because the Studer's had out-of-town family members visiting. Scott BBQ'd hamburgers and they also had hot dogs in a slow cooker for the main course.
The birthday theme was "Elmo" from Sesame Street. The cake was made by our good friend Halli. She works at Sam's Club in the bakery. It was a huge round cake and very tall and very red! The frosting was actually applied with a special decorating tip that made it look like the long stringy fur that Elmo is noted for. I'm only sorry that I didn't have my camera there to get some pictures. In order for you to know how talented Halli is, you may recall her work with this.
After taking pictures of Madison with her cake and watching her get all red from the frosting, we cut into it. It was served with chocolate chip ice cream. Very good!
She had already torn into the gifts from everyone and was delighted with each and every one. She would say "Mine?" after her Mom Lisa would tell her whom it was from. And she wanted to play with each toy the minute the paper came off. But she quickly forgot about them as soon as she saw that she had another gift to open. Too cute! It never gets old watching little ones with presents. There is so much excitement that you can't help but smile with them.
Happy Birthday Madison!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Two Birthday Parties in One!
Halli, obviously, made the cakes for her girls. Again, no camera. Instead of making actual cakes, she made a lot of cup cakes. She grouped several of them together and frosted them as if they were one cake and made a smaller version of the Elmo cake that she made for Madison. The other group of cup cakes was frosted to look like a guitar....from Hannah Montana.
They both love Hannah Montana. They wear shirts with her picture on them often!
Here is a picture I took of the two girls in September at my friends' Chris and Dee's wedding. Are they cute or what?

Liberti and Glori
Very polite little darlings. They see me and come running ....they love me! Then it's hugs and kisses all around! So sweet!
After eating pigs-in-a-blanket, chips and dips (that I had made for the craft fair), fluffy salad and of course the cakes, the girls opened their gifts. They had so much fun! Everyone got thank you hugs from them and they were off and playing with the other kids.
A very busy weekend filled with so much joy and very happy girls with new toys to play with! Happy Birthday Liberti and Glori!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
"Craft Fair" Season
It was held at The Waterford Assisted Living facility. I had made beer bread, chocolate pound cake, 6 different dips and 2 cheese balls. I also had twisty grahams and blue Aztec chips (both TS products) along with store bought items for dipping; pretzel sticks, tortilla chips and vanilla wafers. But because I was unsure of what to expect in regards to numbers of people that could show up to shop, I ultimately had made more food than needed. But at least I didn't run out! I set up my table with actual products for display to give customers an idea of what the items look like. I actually had 3 people place orders and one person made a booking for a home taste testing party. Not bad for only 4 hours of work! And it only cost me $10 to reserve a table so it was definitely worth the effort.
One of my friends came by so I had her snap a couple of pictures as a memento of my first craft fair!

I had ordered the banner and the shirt I'm wearing only 1 week prior and received them just in time for the craft fair.

Monday, October 20, 2008
So Far, TS is a Success
I've been quite busy with taste testing parties in other people's homes. I've done an open house and this coming weekend I'll be participating in a craft fair with my samples for anyone to try. I'm hoping that I can get others to book a party in their homes as well. It's like a domino game. Once one new customer has a party and invites friends that have never had it, they in turn will occasionally have a party and invite their friends...etc.
If you don't know what the home taste testing parties are all about, I'll give you a brief run down. Let's say you decide to host a party in your home. I give you a food kit. It includes samples of 10 or 11 products. What is needed from you as a host is to provide 1 -2 more ingredients to prepare the products which I've given you. Usually sour cream and real mayonnaise. The desserts are slightly different. These products in the food kits may include but aren't limited too: beer bread, 3 or 4 dips that can be eaten with pretzels, crackers or beer bread, a soup mix, a dessert mix and a beverage. I myself being the consultant provide other samples of more dips, fruit spreads, and chips. I also provide the serving containers and utensils and plates. The dips take maybe 20 minutes to prepare and the beer bread takes one ingredient plus bake time and the dessert is 1 or 2 ingredients plus bake time. My hostesses have all agreed on just how simple it is to get ready to host a party. That's what these products are all about; the ease and simplicity of having snacks or meals in a busy household without needing much time to prepare them.
Tastefully Simple was started my a woman named Jill Blashack Strahan in Alexandria, MN back in 1995. She started out selling gift baskets. As the demand for gourmet food increased she decided to start offering taste testing so people could sample what she had. It has grown through the years and is slowly moving its way through other states other than just the Midwest region.
In the last two weeks I've had 4 home parties, one book party (I'll explain that soon), and an open house. This weekend is my first craft fair. November is looking to be a good month as well as I've already got several parties lined up along with a craft fair and another open house. It's financially beneficial to me to help me pay some bills off quicker. But it's more than that. I have gotten to meet several new people because of these home parties. Once one person hosts a party, I may meet someone new that wants to host a party and there I meet more people. Like I said, the domino effect. It's my business to run the way I like too. I can give products away as prizes or even as incentives to get people to book parties and help the hostesses earn more products at the same time. It's awesome!
I have my own web site for this business-- www.tastefullysimple.com/web/smccloud . I will be in ND in the middle of November so if you would like to host a taste testing party in your home, let me know. I'll have my supplies with me. It would be a great opportunity to earn yourself some free products and just have a fun time getting together with friends!

Here's a sampling of what I have to offer!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
May My Tree Rest In Peace

This was taken exactly one week before the tornado hit my area. See my nice tree?
After having someone come and remove the stump and roots, this is what the same spot looks like now after the job was done.