Saturday, October 18, 2008

May My Tree Rest In Peace

As you all know, I've had quite the summer! And fall has arrived all too soon! My summer was mostly a time of disbelief to start, followed by repairs soon after! You should remember this, I assume.

Well, after a brief absence, I've returned with more pictures of another small project that was taken care of yesterday. With all the activity going on at my house because of repairs being done, this time the work took place in my front yard! My big, beautiful Linden tree was destroyed by the tornado and I was left with, well, a sort of stump but yet it wasn't really that either. If you stood and looked straight down at the bark....there was a hole down into the ground and root system. It's like the tornado just sucked it up out of the ground. So is that still considered a stump? decide. Anyway, the roots were still intact into the ground along with the, er, um, stump!

Upon arriving home from work yesterday, I noticed that someone had been driving in my grass! Needless to say, I initially wondered who in the world would need to drive in my yard? (I was instantly chapped!) Then I looked right into the area where my tree once stood and realized what had been going on. "The guys" had been here to remove the "stump". I was unaware that it would be done today. But hey, no time like the present! It had been ground down and then recycled to fill in the hole that was left by the tree. I guess now I can put some grass seed down and hope that it fills in the area nicely! Take a look below at the before and after photos. Click the photos to see them a little bit closer.

This was taken exactly one week before the tornado hit my area. See my nice tree?

Here is what was left of my tree after the tornado.....

After having someone come and remove the stump and roots, this is what the same spot looks like now after the job was done.

The spot where the tree used to stand.....

A different view of my front yard without said tree.
Next spring I will get another tree planted out in the front yard. I sure did miss the shade during the hot summer months. I've been trying to go green....have you?

1 comment:

Kevin Moberg said...

Yay! Another project done and off your mind!