Friday, October 31, 2008


I'm not sure just how much Halloween is celebrated where all of you live, but here there is plenty to do for young and old alike. For instance, haunted houses. Scary Acres is one such example. Haunted Hollow is another. I could list several more but you get the idea. I've experienced Scary Acres and it's great! If you don't mind a few chills running up and down your spine then that's the place for you! But this year I never got to any of them. Now, if you don't feel like venturing out of your own home, that's OK too. All you have to do is make a trip to a store that sells candy and load up! Take it home and eat like there's no tomorrow. There seems to be so much to choose from it's just about too overwhelming to look at all the choices without having a "Why bother?" feeling rush over you.
But I gave in and took home 7 big bags of candy. I'm talking about the industrial size bags of candy! You know, the ones that weigh almost the same as a small bag of apples. And guess what.....I gave away 4 bags of the sweet stuff to trick-or-treaters! I think roughly 40-45 kids came by. Even some of the parents were dressed up!
They were showing up here until roughly 8:45PM! They began arriving about 6PM and kept coming. At first I was trying to make sure the candy I did have would last without it all being gone early in the evening. But soon I realized it was more than I needed. So I started telling the kids to take as much as they wanted. Handful after handful of candy began to disappear! I was glad to see it dwindle.
Unfortunately I had more left than I knew I could eat----or for that matter, more than I would want to eat! So I put the bag I knew I could eat without any problems, Butterfinger candy bars, into the freezer. The next day I took a mixed bag of chewy candy to work where I knew the vultures would swoop down upon it and leave little to identify! (I was right too!) That leaves one bag of tootsie roll lollipops. I'll drag that one to work as well.
I think that there is SOME kind of candy for EVERY holiday anymore! And it all starts to appear on the store shelves 1-2 months ahead of the actual holiday that it's intended for! Yikes! I saw Christmas candy out already......maybe this post should have been titled, Holiday=Candy!

1 comment:

Kevin Moberg said...

"I knew the vultures would swoop down upon it and leave little to identify" -- ha! So true. The faculty lounge is the perfect place to leave out whatever foodstuffs you don't want in your house. We went through the girls' candy, and whatever they didn't necessarily want went into a bag for Susan to bring for the teachers at her school. We don't have the willpower, though, to put anything into the freezer; it all stays out for us to eat from continuously.

When we were in Bismarck September 6, we walked past Christmas displays in Herberger's. And when Susan was in Wal-Mart on November 4, the store was playing Christmas music. Aargh!!!