Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another One in the Books....

I'm not usually one to get involved in any conversation of any topic that has to do with politics, ever. I've never had much interest in it, ever. Even while in school, Government and History classes were my least favorite. But I felt the need to write of this historic event in lieu of my feelings on the whole issue.

Today, even though I was working, I was able to witness on television the Inauguration of our 44TH President. My specific job was in our bag room where we sort the checked bags into carts for transport out to the respected aircraft. We have a small run down TV and chintzy radio for our use to help pass the time if things ever quiet down in between flights. This doesn't happen very often. But this particular day we had a somewhat slow day by our airlines' standards.
As only two people work in the bag room at one time, my co-worker Rick and I were curiously interested in the pre-inauguration activities. We had the TV on and we were keeping a watchful eye on each movement that was peaking the interest of the networks camera people. This being done while tending to our job duties mind you!
I have been amazed particularly at just how much the public has become so involved with trying to improve our society and the troubles that have developed over time. Once Barack Obama became President and asked "everyone" to lend a hand and take some responsibility for our country, it appeared as though it was taken to heart. I don't recall from past elections seeing such interest generated by one simple request from a newly elected President. Locally, people have literally jumped on the band wagon. Be it because of the ethnicity of President Obama and the history that has been made by his election or simply by the state of our economy. Bus loads of citizens departed Omaha just days prior to the Inauguration to go to the US capitol and witness history in the making.
I have to admit, I was holding back some emotions during the musical performance and even during the oath. The lives of the Obama family are on the verge of changing quite drastically. Especially the daughters of the President. First they all made the move across the country from Chicago and now that its' all official, their lives have all but left normalcy behind. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. They aren't the only ones that have a lot in store for them. Our nation does too. There will be some adjusting for everyone as a whole.
But lets not forget one other family. George W. and Laura Bush . I can't even fathom what it will be like for them to go from being doted on day and night coupled with the Secret Service being ever present. Having a 747 jet at their disposal to having to make their own breakfast or drive themselves to the grocery store. Who knows, maybe they will keep up some sort of house staff in their new home. Maybe things won't change all that much. I'm purely speculating. Just think about it. From the White House to a 4 bedroom home in Dallas, TX.
Even though politics usually bore me to tears, I was surprised at my emotional involvement in all that was occurring on the TV today. I have to say though, the hat that Aretha Franklin wore was, um.... hideous! I did however, like the orchestra members and the performance they gave. Beautiful.....

One final word....have you noticed the absence of all the political advertisements on every television station? 4 more years until they pop up once again!


Kevin Moberg said...

See? Great minds think alike!

Anonymous said...

I can't remember another election that captured the attention of the nation, as this one did. At work, we spent two weeks preparing to have things ready so every classroom could view it on TV. And those who don't have cable TV in their rooms, gathered in other rooms or watched it on the Internet. I got to stop long enough to see the end of Aretha's performance (that hat just kills me--LOL!!) and watch the orchestra. It was awesome!! I loved having the chance to watch history in the making and have talked about what it must be like for the Bush family now. We even had two teachers from Woodburn, who stood within 200 yards of the balcony during the Inauguration!