Monday, January 26, 2009

Update on Oreo from January 25th post

I couldn't resist the temptation to find out just how Oreo (my dog) was doing. So I emailed Amanda, part of the family that has her. Here is what she told me...

"We still have her! She is great!! She has really opened up to a lot of people. She still is worry of people she doesn't know. But she is great with all of the family and she loves to play with other dogs. We have her birthday marked on Wednesday. She really is attached to my sister and she sleeps with her everynight. She is a really changed Dog. We love her so much! Thanks for giving us her!"

I'm so relieved that she is doing well. I worried that the family may not want to deal with her shyness. But it was good for her to be in a family with several people, including children!

Be happy Oreo!....You deserve it....


Kevin Moberg said...

So sweet!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for her and still sad for you. You were good for her too!
Thinking of you. Love, Cathy