I can't believe just how much stuff a person can acquire over a lifetime. I have done quite well on getting things out of boxes and hanging items on the walls. But it's kind of fun to find boxes of stuff from school! I forgot about the ones I brought back from N.D. on one of my last trips home. My pile of boxes inside has dwindled down to a few and the pile of boxes needing to be broke down (I know, I should do that as I empty them. But I'm too anxious to move on to the next box to bother with that at the time!) out in the garage has grown substantially! But that's OK! That will be the quickest part!
It's hard to get as much done as I would like to each day. Especially on the days that I have worked. I'm not too energetic to work very hard once I've arrived home. It's nice to sit and relax or sneak in a nap.
I have actually done some repairs/amendments on a few things as well as unpack. I replaced a shower head and added a towel ring to the wall in one of the bathrooms. I still have a small medicine cabinet to hang in there too. The sink drain stopper doesn't work either. But without thinking about it, I found the parts that I will need to repair that too! Another day! And believe it or not, the garage door opener didn't have a light bulb...I added one! (Yep....tough job to handle.)
I have replaced/repaired a very strange added-on-instead-of-actually-fixing-the-original-door closer on the storm door. Let me explain: there were two door closers---one on the top of the door and one on the bottom of the door. Why? Not so sure. The bracket for the one up top was barely hanging on the door frame with literally, one screw. And it wasn't even screwed all the way into the frame. Next, the cylinder wouldn't stay connected to said bracket because the door had been opened and closed so many times that the metal had gotten twisted and broke as a result. The pin that connects the two fell out one day after I had gone through the door. That's why I noticed that the entire set up was so funky. It made me look a little closer and that's when I discovered the little mess before me. The bottom door closer worked fine but again, not put on the door very securely. So I made my way to
Ace Hardware one day and found parts for the door closer. I never knew just what the parts were called until this trip to the hardware store! A person learns something new every day! :0 To me, it was just the part that kept the storm door from slamming shut! After mixing and matching old pieces from the bottom door closer and new parts from the hardware store, I fixed the door properly. And there was a chain hanging from the door frame that was connected to.......NOTHING! I know what it's
supposed to be used for. To keep the door from opening too widely. But after I got done adjusting the cylinder, the chain was no longer needed! I took it off! The door entry not only looks better, but the door closes more smoothly now than it ever did! (I'm patting myself on the back!)
I still need to fix the trim on the outside of one of the kitchen windows. When the window opens outward, it catches on the metal trim. I think that should be an easy fix........with the help of my trusty new ladder! I also need to add a light bulb to the fixture up over the garage door on the outside. I swear, the easy stuff to take care of was left undone by the previous owners. Not sure if it was laziness or they just didn't care.
But as I put more things away, I find little things that need attention. Emptying boxes.....good.
Learning how to fix things......good. Needing tools I've never had before.......eh.....ok. I like
Menards anyway!