Friday, December 7, 2007

"It Happened To Us"....taken from the Omaha World Herald.

As you have all seen and heard on television, Omaha had a very sad event occur on Wednesday, December 5Th. A young 19 year old male, decided his life wasn't worth living and instead of getting more help, he decided to end his life and the lives of 8 other innocent victims. He drove to one of our busiest malls in town, the Westroads, and had an AK-47 assault rifle. He entered Von Maur, a large 3 story department store, and started shooting anyone that he saw. It started at 1:42 PM and 6 minutes later, he had killed 9 people including himself. By the time the police arrived, it was over. I am going to provide to you a link to hear more about the 911 calls. Please note: you can hear the gun shots so if you don't think it's something you can handle hearing, you may choose not to listen or watch. Here is just one of thousands of sites that you can read about the horror of events that took place on a day that will be remembered forever. (you will first have to listen to an ad but the video plays immediately following.) That story came from Good Morning America. Here is another site for you to read. These are just a sample of what is on our local programming every day, several times throughout the day. It didn't really hit home for me until I heard the 911 calls. It makes you realize that you just don't know what will happen from one day to the next, or where something like this will take place. This is the worst massacre in Nebraska history. My heart goes out to the victims and their families of this tragedy. God be with them.


Kevin Moberg said...


Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to all of those involved and to all families affected by this tragedy...