Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Lights, Now With Snow!

Well, you saw my house with my lights and no snow........but here is the new and improved version with snow! It's much prettier to see because the lights sparkle at night from the snow surrounding them. I love it! Check it out....

Now, isn't this more what Christmas is supposed to be like? White with snow? I definitely think so. Having grown up in ND has made me appreciate the season changes. Even if it does mean that the cold temperatures go along with it. I think all of us have gone through some severe weather changes lately. No matter where you live, unusual weather is occurring.
I had this feeling back in June, after all the bad tornadoes and torrential downpours of rain, that the winter would be colder and it would happen a lot earlier than is typical in some areas. We here in Omaha have gotten pretty cold and much sooner than we like! But it's nothing compared to what the ND natives have to endure. Actual temps in the -20's and -30's.
But we always find a way to get through it. I personally don't mind the cold.....sometimes it keeps the riff raff out...if you know what I mean!

1 comment:

Kevin Moberg said...

I love those Christmas lights. Yep, they look better surrounded by snow. I do like seeing white when I look outside in the winter, but I'm sick to death of snow blowing and shoveling this month! I'm pooped!!