Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Lights

Tonight the temperature is so mild, 48* at 8 PM, I thought it would be a great time to take pictures of my outside lights. Tomorrow is out of the question as the temperature is supposed to drop like a rock and be a little bit windy!
I had a hard time making the lights show up and look as nice as they do in person. But this is the best I could do. Click each photo to see the lights more clearly.

Taken with the night setting of my camera.
Taken with the flash illuminating everything.

I intended to hang lights up on the upper bedroom peaks but ran out of lights and time to get it done. Plus I want to make sure someone is around in case of an unlikely accident! So the lights in the bedroom windows will have to suffice.
In the grass in front of the porch are 3 small packages that have lights. And lining the small sidewalk near the garage are a set of 5 stake lights to match the lights on the gutters. The railing is dressed in net lights that I had on the old bushes that no longer exist. I was able to utilize the lights anyway and draped them over the porch railing! The bulbs all flash randomly so there is always light dances. The wall between the long windows on the porch has an evergreen piece hanging on it that Mom used to have. I found some miniature light sets and put them on to add a little bling.

1 comment:

Kevin Moberg said...

"To add a little bling" -- ha!!

My favorite: the ginormous bulb lights on stakes at the corner of the garage and porch. Kyoot!

You may recall that we have but one (one!) outdoor outlet, and that's on the veranda, so we have no outdoor lights on our house. Bah, humbug!