Friday, November 28, 2008

It's That Time of Year Once Again....

I always like to be ahead of schedule when it comes to holidays. Sometimes I don't do well at staying ahead! But today I managed to finish up the decorating on the outside of my house. I had put up a few light strings and some new features in the yard a couple days before during our days of mild weather. But today the temperature soared into the 50's. All I had left was to hang the lights on the gutters and put some lights on my deck railing. (I'm still debating on whether to climb up on the roof to hang lights from the upper level peaks.) It would be so pretty! We'll see....
I have yet to put up the inside decor but as soon as I clean the house, that will be the next small project. This weekend or even part of next week is when it will be done. For sure. No matter what. No later. No matter what! No one can talk me out of it....uff da! What a chore it seems to be any more. I have so many decorations that it's hard to decide which ones to use. I have accumulated some of my own Mothers' items besides the things I've been given as gifts or even purchased on my own through the years.

But I do love this time of year. We have had some brief snow showers here and there. That always makes me feel like doing something in correlation to Christmas. Some of the radio stations have been playing holiday music now for roughly 3 weeks! That is a little bit too early for me, although I have listened to it some the last few days. And it means I can officially dust off the piano books just waiting to be used to bring a little music of the season into the house!

Have you been watching all the old cartoons that appear on TV? One example would include Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. Another one could be Frosty The Snowman. I remember as a child, waiting in anticipation for these programs to air on TV. They were always fun to watch even if we knew exactly how things would play out.

And what about the crazy shopping mobs? I avoid the traditional "get the bargains while they are cheap" day after Thanksgiving at all costs! Usually I'm on my way to work when these loonies (no offense if you are one of these die hard shoppers!) are on the streets heading to their favorite store! 4AM! Give me a break! If I need to save that much money on a gift, I shouldn't be buying gifts at all! It's nuts! But that's just me....if I had the chance to sleep in....I would. I get up that early (3:15am) every day so it's just not worth it to me. Shopping can wait until normal shopping hours, thank you very much.

Anyhoo....this is either a great time of year for you or it isn't. I don't think there is much of an in-between here. You like it or you don't. Easy enough. I happen to love it! I hope you are enjoying the madness of the season and not driving yourself crazy to keep up with the rush that goes along with it! Happy shopping!

1 comment:

Kevin Moberg said...

We've been using this Advent Bible study each night at the dining table, lighting the Advent candle and reading the Bible verse and discussing the day's paragraph.

Look at the one for November 30. It's because of that quotation from Heschel that we've been trying to see familiar things with new eyes. So as we drive around town, we "ooh" and "ahh" over all the yard decorations and take pains to find beauty even in tacky Grinches and Santa-right-next-to-Jesus displays.

Hillary has taken to lying on her back underneath our own Christmas tree so that she can look upward through the branches at all the ornaments and lights. Last night Abigail and I joined her to see the tree with new eyes. It was fun! Certainly a different perspective.