Monday, February 25, 2008

Family visitor at last!

This weekend, my sister Cathy from Oregon came for a visit. She came to help me celebrate my 40Th birthday, which is the 26TH. She had never seen my house or met any of my pets. She became very aquainted with them. We had a short time to spend together but we did a lot. And she was a trooper. She wasn't feeling the best. A nasty head cold and congestion made an appearance right before she was supposed to fly to Omaha.
After the big party the night before, we had the rest of the weekend to run around and do our own thing. We got up Saturday morning and ate a breakfast of Ice Cream Caramel Rolls that I baked fresh. After that, I took her shopping (mostly window shopping) to several places: Petsmart, to pick up some items for my dog Oreo, Gallery of Crafts, Village Pointe, and Nebraska Furniture Mart just on the first day. We also went out for supper that night. She wanted to treat me. After going to Red Lobster to find a wait of 25-30 minutes, we drove to another place called The Millard Roadhouse. It's a local establishment near my house in the suburb called Millard. There we enjoyed meals of chicken, biscuits and potatoes.
After we arrived home, I made a fire in the fireplace and we sat and chatted while warming ourselves.

The next morning we slept in. After making my own Angel Food cake, we drove to a couple different stores in search of a Nebraska souvenir magnet. No luck. Next we drove to a car wash and had my van cleaned up. Then we headed down town to a store I thought for sure would have magnets. Nothing! The girl in that store steered us in the direction of one more store a block away. Eureka! Cathy found a magnet. From there I drove her to one of the Iowa casinos so she could see it. Who needs Vegas? Our last outing for the day took us to the Omaha Zoo and Imax Theater. Although we didn't enter the zoo, we did attend a movie at the Imax entitled, Dolphins and Whales 3D, Tribes of the Ocean. I didn't have my camera at the Imax but my phone camera was good enough to show what we looked like with our 3D glasses on. It was the first time either of us had seen a 3D movie. It was very good!

We headed home from there and I cooked some home made chicken noodle soup, and earlier I had made some creamy cucumbers to along with it. It all hit the spot, especially for Cathy who still wasn't feeling 100%. We had cake and coffee (makes me remember being a kid...the aunts and uncles always drank coffee!) and took pictures. We called our brother Kevin and shared our weekend with him. Then we did a little playing on the computer and finally called it a night. Cathy was flying out on Monday morning.

My angel food cake with brown sugar frosting....all home made. Candles courtesy of Cathy.

Cathy and I


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you....Happy Birthday to you...Happy 40th Birthday, dear Sandy.....Happy Birthday to you!!!!

Kevin Moberg said...

I certainly hope some vanilla Schwan's ice cream accompanied that cake. I'm so glad that Cathy could spend the weekend with you! Happy birthday!!

Anonymous said...

It was so good to see the picture of you and Cathy, and that you girls could have such a good time.
I will be checking here often. Nice to connect with you again. Will also try Kevin's. Don't get to Dickinson very often but would be fun to run in to him. Cathy, I sent her a BD card a few years ago, never heard so must have had the wrong e-mail address. Take care and keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

Oh, now I'm so curious!
Dear Anonymous....who are you? I'll get my correct email address to you!

Anonymous said...

Ok, now to to blog...I was tickled to get to spend the weekend with Sandy. Thanks for hauling me all over Omaha to find that dumb magnet! We did have a short time to visit, but we managed to do lots! I had a great weekend, in spite of being sick, and loved seeing your new house and your sweet "babies" (Yoda, Trouble and Oreo)! The birthday cake was YUMMY! I'll have to come again, when we'll have more time to spend. Hope you are feeling much better by now too!
Love ya, Sis! Cathy