Sunday, February 17, 2008

Gavin is four!

February 15Th was a special day for a special little guy. Gavin Eastman, my friends' Jamie and Trisa's little boy, had a birthday. Instead of having a party that day, it was on the 16Th at a place called Bounce U. I was unable to attend only because I was at work. But I did go to their house afterwards to give him a gift and hear all about how much fun was had at Bounce U!
Gavin was in all his glory on the living room floor. All his new toys and gifts were spread out all over! He was having a blast just seeing what all he had added to his toy collection. He and his Dad were busy trying out the remote controlled cars.
After a little birthday smooch from Gavin along with a hug, he set about opening the gift I brought. Then it was back to the action with his new toys.
Trisa then brought out the cake that had been served to everyone. I had a piece with some ice cream. Very tasty and quite colorful!

Trisa, Jamie and Gavin

Gavin and I checking out the birthday loot

Waiting for more cake!
See the evidence of cake on his chin?
Gavin being silly!

1 comment:

Kevin Moberg said...

Cute! (So is the little boy.)